Re: Setfocus / killfocus on cbutton

mfc <>
Mon, 6 Dec 2010 07:53:12 -0800 (PST)
On 5 Dez., 20:29, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:

See below...
What I would do is invent a code, such as CITB_CHANGED, and use an ON_CON=

TROL handler to

handle this notification in the parent. The child button would do

        GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(GetDlgCtr=


then I would have, in the parent's message map,


void CMyDialog::OnWhateverChanged()

In the child button class you specifiy the id (GetDlgCtrlId = which
child button is affected by this change) but in the parent class
(dialog class) this information is not further used? Or did I miss

Is there a better solution than this:
1) including all depending button controls to this call in the
OnInitDialog() (sometimes up to six other controls affected by the
spcific button)
m_Button1.SetParams(&m_StatCtrl, CImageTextButton::INCREASE, minvalue,
maxvalue, &m_Button2, &m_Button3);

How can I add these controls to one member-variable of the button
class? - using a clist (m_list.Add(m_Button2) and so on.... ?

Key here is how you encode it. I don't think there is a better way tha=

n having the

SetParams method (or some variant) for each button, but I might consider,=

 if I have a lot

of buttons, having something of the form:

static const struct {
            CImageTextButton * ctl,
            CStatic * target,
            CImageTextButton::Direction dir,
            int minvalue,
            int maxvalue} Buttons[] = {
   {&mIncreaseSomeValue, &m_SomeControl, CImageTextButton::INCREASE, =

0, 1 },

   {&m_OtherControl, CImageTextButton::DECREASE, 0, 1 },
  {NULL, 0, 0, 0} // EOT

Could you tell me how you will declare / define this static struct in
the dialog class (so that this struct will be known in some other
methods in this dialog too)? I like the approach using a table / array
(Button[]) without knowing the size of the array at startup. So that
I can add as many buttons as I like.

void CMyDialog::AddButtons()
    for(int i = 0; Buttons[i].ctl != NULL; i++)



and just call "AddButtons" in OnInitDialog. Note that it doesn't chang=

e the fact that you

have to specify all the buttons, but it handles it in a different way.

I`ve now two small structs to get all required values for updating all

              struct Btn
        CImageTextButton *ctlLeft; /* << */
        CImageTextButton *ctlRight; /* >> */
        CImageStatic *target; /* cstatic field */
        CImageTextButton::Direction dir;
                                int minvalue;
        int maxvalue;

    struct BtnCtrl
        Btn ctrl;
        Btn subctrl;
        CDWordArray dis_subctrl; //situations where the
subctrl is complete disabled

The struct BtnCtrl will include an additional subcontrol as well as a
wordarray which defines the situations where the subcontrol will be
disabled according to the value of the ctrl-staticfield. I`ve some
cstatic fields which can disable/enable another cstatic field and
their two buttons (<< and >>).

best regards

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