Re: Associate Dialog Resource With Class
On Mar 24, 1:06 am, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:
See my essay on deriving classes from dialog classes. The bottom line =
is the IDD
declaration is irrelevant except for the class that needs to instantiate =
the template.
That is true, but the question was how to make IDE connect the dots.
What I said is true, at least for simple dialog class, in 2008 SP1, I
just tried. I wrote this in a random *.cpp of some test project:
class CC : public CDialog
enum { IDD=IDD_DODO };
Then I went into resource editor and added a dialog resource named
IDD_DODO. I put a random checkbox on it, and double-clicked. That gave
me this:
class CC : public CDialog
enum { IDD=IDD_DODO };
afx_msg void OnBnClickedCheck1();
and this:
void CC::OnBnClickedCheck1()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
Sure, I have seen that code generation in IDE fails, and to be frank,
when that happens, I simply shrug and do stuff by hand. But MS guys
__are__ working on it. Give credit where credit's due.