Re: Associate Dialog Resource With Class
none wrote:
Usually, I create a dialog resource, then right-click and "Add Class"
to create the associated CDialog-based class. This time, I created
the class first. It isn't derived directly from CDialog; there are a
few other subclass layers in between.
So, how do I tell the resource editor to "recognize" that the dialog
resource goes with the dialog class that I wrote manually? The only
reason it matters is that I'd like to get the standard functionality
in the resource editor, for example, right-clicking a button and
doing "Add Event Handler..." These menu items are currently disabled
because I never did the "Add Class" step.
I did this one, and it seemed to work (but please check yourself everything)
for dialog class:
Lets say that CA is the parent class derived from CDialog and CB derived
fron CA:
class CA : public CDialog
class CB : public CA
First comment out
enum { IDD = IDD_DIALOG1 };
from CA.
Also delete constructor
CA(CWnd* pParent = NULL);
(Possibly add a constructor CA( UINT nIDTemplate, CWnd* pParentWnd = NULL );
if you need it, and call CDialog version from there so that you can use
this also in CB.)
Then just set in CB
enum { IDD = IDD_DIALOG2 };
to refer to the dialog you want to use with resource.
Thats it. Seemed to work with my VC6, but I did not check everything...
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