Re: Future of MFC?

"David Ching" <>
Wed, 19 Sep 2007 22:14:55 GMT
"Jonathan Wood" <> wrote in message


Why do you say this? They're as likely to run as existing MFC apps.
They can be compiled into an .exe and distributed with the VBRUNx.dll.

While Microsoft has committed to "it just works" compatibility on Vista,
they've made it clear that continued support for VB6 will be dropped in
2008( That means
they have not committed to "it just works" compatibility for future
versions of Windows.

So there is a question whether it will even run in addition to the fact
that it does not, and will not, support the latest Windows features.

In comparison, MFC will continue to be supported.

Well, seeing that Microsoft didn't come close to providing "It Just Works"
for MFC apps on Vista, I'd say their support of VB6 is far superior! ;)

Neither are they not going to render hundreds of thousands of legacy VB apps
useless without a good story for keeping them running on future OS. By that
time, I'm sure all of Windows will be a series of VM's anyway, so no big

-- David

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