Re: MessageMap - Funktionszeiger - VS2008
Giovanni Dicanio ha scritto:
Another approach to implement a custom message map could be to use a map
container (like STL std::map), and associate event IDs to member
functions of C++ classes.
You may want to download a sample MFC project here:
Moreover, of course it is possible also to put all the event handlers as
member functions implemented in the same message map class (instead of
defining a single class for each event handler).
It all depends on your particular needs and design choices.
Here is the updated sample:
and here is the modifications to CMessageMapTest class:
// Testing custom message map
class CMessageMapTest
// Build the message map, filling the std::map data member
// Add event handlers to the map
m_events[Event_Click] = CreateHandler(this,
m_events[Event_DoubleClick] = CreateHandler(this,
m_events[Event_Resize] = CreateHandler(this,
// Cleanup the message map
virtual ~CMessageMapTest()
// Delete pointers stored in map
EventHandlers::iterator it;
for (it = m_events.begin(); it != m_events.end(); ++it)
delete it->second;
it->second = NULL;
// Clear the map
// Handle a particular event
void HandleEvent(Event event, DWORD customData)
// Call event handler using map
// Event handlers is a map that associates an event ID to an event
handler object
typedef std::map< Event, IEventHandlerBase * > EventHandlers;
// Event handlers stored as data members here
EventHandlers m_events;
// Some Sample Event Handlers
void HandleClick(DWORD customData)
CString msg;
msg.Format(_T("Handle Click Event (data = %08X)"), customData);
AfxMessageBox(msg, MB_OK);
void HandleDoubleClick(DWORD customData)
CString msg;
msg.Format(_T("Handle Double-Click Event (data = %08X)"),
AfxMessageBox(msg, MB_OK);
void HandleResize(DWORD customData)
CString msg;
msg.Format(_T("Handle Resize Event (data = %08X)"), customData);
AfxMessageBox(msg, MB_OK);