Re: Migrating VC6.0 -> Visual Studion 2008 - depricated functions

=?iso-8859-1?B?S2VyZW0gR/xtcvxrY/w=?= <>
Tue, 10 Nov 2009 23:49:24 +0100
Hi Uwe,

No problem, the code compiles with those "_s"
functions. Reading the MSDN documentation I find
that fopen_s is availible from Win95 on.

where did you read that, please show! AFAIK the Security
Enhancements are available starting VS2005:

[Security Enhancements in the CRT]

I would like to maintain the project for both
VC6.0 and Visual Studio 2008. But in VC6.0 I cannot
find any header/lib for fopen_s. Not in the
headers which ship with VC6.0SP6 nor in the
February 2003 SDK.

if there is absolutely no very special need to maintain the
project VS6, then i would higly recommend to use the
latest VS, since it offers your many many advantages over
the old VC6,...

Am I missing something or is it simply not
possible to use functions like fopen_s in VC6.0?

Try dynamic loading and via LoadLibrary and GetProcAdress,
the do a typedef of the functions signature and just invoke it.
I even did something very weird now: I called the fopen_s() and
fclose() from within C# and .NET 2.0 runtime, something you
would never do due to the powerful System.IO Namespace
and/or high-level windows api you can use with PInvoke, but
i just tried only to see whether it works or not,..and it works
fine! So you can dynamically access the functions just fine! Here
is the unusual C# code (on-the-fly translated from headers
structures and information, possibly does not work on other

        public struct _iobuf
            public string _ptr;
            public int _cnt;
            public string _base;
            public int _flag;
            public int _file;
            public int _charbuf;
            public int _bufsiz;
            public string _tmpfname;

        [DllImport("msvcrt.dll", CallingConvention =
        public static extern int fopen_s(out _iobuf pFile,
            string filename,
            string mode);

        [DllImport("msvcrt.dll", CallingConvention =
        public static extern int fclose(_iobuf stream);

            _iobuf iob; //FILE structure

            //open explorer.exe to read
            int errno = fopen_s(out iob,@"C:\Windows\explorer.exe","r");

            // do someting here the _iobuf structure

            //close explorer.exe

Write your own headers and imports, or even your own classes
that will encapsulate aall the dyhamic loading and access of the
secure functions of the msvcrt. You should always check the
msvcrt version before you try to access the functions!



Beste Gr?sse / Best regards / Votre bien devoue
Kerem G?mr?kc?
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