Re: Moving data from array to deque wrote:
The ReadFile function places read info into a char array (cReadBuf)
and I would like for put it in a deque. What is the most efficient way
to copy, using pushes or some other type of iteration?
char cReadBuf[512];
deque<char> cDdeq1(512);
Result = ReadFile(m_usbHandle, cReadBuf, m_reportLength, &bytesRead,
You should probably profile it to be sure which one is most efficient,
but if you 'assign', it's going to be [a tiny bit] faster than if you
'push_back' in a loop. Of course, the most efficient is probably
constructing the deque (BTW, why do you need deque?) from the array:
Result = ReadFile( ...
deque<char> cDdeq1(cReadBuf, cReadBuf + 512);
IOW, don't construct it before you actually need it. If this is not
an option, assign:
cDdeq1.assign(cReadBuf, cReadBuf + 512);
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