Re: File Open Initial Directory
Are you sure your program isn't setting the folder somewhere?
Is there a line in your code that contains:
Files from the MRU list contain a whole path (even though only the filename
is shown in the menu) so I don't think they would change the working folder.
I think this is a tough problem to fix without storing and setting the
folders yourself. In some of my programs I actually have multiple document
folders (labels, project files, content, etc.) so I save each one the user
used last.
"Mikel" <> wrote in message
On 8 abr, 14:34, Joseph M. Newcomer <> wrote:
It uses the current directory, whatever that is. Normally, when a program
is launched, if
Not really. In my program ::GetCurrentDirectory() returns a path
different from the one were File->Open opens the dialog
no explicit working directory is specified, the shell sets it to My
Documents. Thereafter,
when you open files, unless you have specified otherwise by setting one of
the flags of
the CFileDialog::m_ofn structure (which you can do when you specify the
parameters to the
constructor) it uses the current working directory to which you have
changed on the last
It does not care about the MRU list at all.
On Tue, 8 Apr 2008 05:19:00 -0700 (PDT), Mikel <>
I have a simple question: How does an application choose the initial
directory to open when the user selects File->Open?
I mean, when first run, the application usually opens the File Open
dialog in the "My Documents" folder, but the next time, it will open
in the last folder used by that application.
How does the application know which folder was last used? I thought it
could be from the MRU files, but I deleted them from the registry and
my application still knows which was the last folder used.
Any ideas?
Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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