Re: Transparent tooltip gets focus with the manifest-style under Windo

MrAsm <>
Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:12:44 GMT
On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:17:01 -0700, ASCO DATA GmbH
<> wrote:

don't know, how Microsoft
use in the VC6.0 in the Workarea-Window also an tooltip-window, because they
haven't the same problem.

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you really would like to do...

The following source-code is from my test-application. The program is a
simple MFC-dialog-program,
the dialog includes an OK- and Cancel-button. m_wndToolTip is from
void CTooltiptestDlg::OnOK()

....This seems to me a strange way of showing tool-tips, also because
when you press OnOK in dialog-box apps the dialog-box closes and if it
is the main dialog, the app terminates...

You might find this interesting:

Moreover, the following code could be somehow corrected to make it
Unicode aware, to protect against buffer overflows, etc.


// This macro could be useful to clear structures and set
// their size:
#define PREPARE_STRUCT( s ) { ZeroMemory( &(s), sizeof(s) ); (s).cbSize = sizeof(s); }

char caText[1024];

Better using CString here and CString::Format, it is easier and more
robust than char and sprintf. Moreover, CString is Unicode aware.

    CString text;
    text.Format( _T("nIndex = %d"), nIndex );

memset(&TI, 0, sizeof(TI));
TI.cbSize = sizeof(TI);

You might use:


TI.lpszText = caText;

Using C++ casts, you might do:

    TI.lpszText = const_cast< LPTSTR >(
         static_cast< LPCTSTR >( text ) );

The first cast converts from CString to LPCTSTR, the second cast
removes the const-attribute.

The whole thing follows:

void CToolTipTestDlg::ToolTipTest()
    static long nIndex = 0;
    CRect rectTemp;
    CFont* pfont;
    CWnd* pwndOK;

    CString text;
    text.Format( _T("nIndex = %d"), nIndex );

    TI.lpszText = const_cast< LPTSTR >( static_cast< LPCTSTR >( text )

    if(IsWindow(m_wndToolTip) == FALSE)
        m_wndToolTip.Create(this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP | TTS_NOPREFIX);

        //Add tool

        m_wndToolTip.SendMessage(TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&TI);
        //Modify the text of the tooltip.
        m_wndToolTip.SendMessage(TTM_UPDATETIPTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)&TI);

    //Take over the font from the dialog.
    pfont = GetFont();
    if(pfont != NULL)

    //Set the position of the tooltip.
    pwndOK = GetDlgItem(IDOK);
    0, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(rectTemp.left,;

    //Show tooltip
    m_wndToolTip.SendMessage(TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, TRUE, (LPARAM)&TI);

    //Increment the static index


Can anybody help me???

I'm sorry I cannot better help, but I've not understood your goal nor
the way you are using tool-tips in response to IDOK button click...


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