Re: unable to set font name for CRichEditCtrl

=?Utf-8?B?bmV4b2xpdGU=?= <>
Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:55:01 -0800
Thanks a lot ..
as you said I did the following

 CFontDialog dlg;
        CFont font;

I was able to set the font after this, but how do I set the color of the text?
and is it ok or anything much better can be done?


"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

There are many things wrong here
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009 04:27:01 -0800, nexolite <> wrote:

I have done the following to set the font for CRichEditCtrl which was
selected through a CFontDialog:

    CFontDialog dlg;

ARGH! strcpy is obsolete, dangerous, and deprecated. DO NOT USE IT! The correct code,
but which you wouldn't execute here, is
        _tcscpy_s(chf.szFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, lf.lfFaceName);
Would it have inconvenienced you to have shown the declarations of lf and chf? How are we
supposed to know what these are? Ethereal vibrations?

All str functions should be thought of as obsolete. We no longer live in an 8-bit world.
But strcpy and strcat are not only obsolete, they should never, ever, be used.

         chf.dwMask = CFM_STRIKEOUT|CFM_BOLD;
WHITESPACE! Put whitespace around binary operators!

         chf.dwEffects = CFE_BOLD;
        CString str=chf.szFaceName;

        MessageBox(str); // Displays Correct font(that was selected)

WHy are you using something as obsolete as GetDlgItem here? Why did you not declare a
control variable? Why did you use some weird name like IDC_RICHEDIT23 instead of some
meaningful name like IDC_CHATWINDOW?

You are setting the selection character format, but you seem to have missed establishing
how the selection is set. Without knowing what the selection is, there's no way to tell
what this is doing.

         #ifdef _DEBUG
        ASSERT((chf.dwMask&(CFM_STRIKEOUT|CFM_BOLD)) ==
        ASSERT((chf.dwEffects&(CFE_STRIKEOUT|CFE_BOLD)) == CFE_BOLD);

        MessageBox(str); //Always displays MS Sans Serif

        ASSERT((strcmp(chf.szFaceName,lf.lfFaceName)==0)); //and the assertion
But that doesn't answer the question about what is going to happen if you put text out at
this point. Note that setting the selection font does not set the font for the control,
just for the selection. Did you try SetFont if you want to change the font for the entire

why this is not working properly?

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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