Re: UN-using a namespace?

"Alexander Grigoriev" <>
Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:19:25 -0700
You cannot introduce comments by preprocessor. Comments are handled _before_
preprocessor tokens are parsed.

"Heinz Ozwirk" <> wrote in message

Perhaps you are lucky and the offending headers only use using to inject
their own namespace into the global one. Then you could try something like

   #define using /##/
   #include "OffendingHeader.h"
   #undef using

Not really nice, but using using in a header isn't really nice either. I
don't remember what the standard has to say about /##/, but it works with
VS 2005:

// BadHeader.h
namespace foo
   int x;
using namespace foo;
// Test.cpp
#define using /##/
#include "BadHeader.h"
#undef using
double x;

Test.cpp compiles with VS 2005, but fails to compile if #define using /##/
is removed.

But may it work or not -- complain to the creator of your library!


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