Re: Unhandled exception - How to turn off!

Ulrich Eckhardt <>
Wed, 21 Mar 2007 14:53:21 +0100
Ben Voigt wrote:

"Ulrich Eckhardt" <> wrote in message

Ben Voigt wrote:

You want new to return NULL in case of failure instead of throwing?
You're now (since C++03 I think) supposed to do:

new (std::nothrow) T[N];

to get that functionality.

FYI: You have been supposed to do that since the C++ standard was

Other than that, not using exception handling is IHMO stupid, you are
throwing out one of the most interesting features of C++ along with its
whole standardlibrary (which relies on exceptions).

Well, as I see it, it's linking with the standard library that should get
you the throwing behavior. Using the C runtime only, ought to get you a
version of new that doesn't throw objects in the standard C++ library.
It's against the spirit of C and C++, which is providing a very extensible
language, and functionality through libraries, not language, to have a
language keyword (new) force the user to include a particular library

You can't separate the standardlibrary from the language, they are already
linked e.g. via typeid() which yields a std::type_info. Also, they are both
defined by the same standard, i.e. the stuff in namespace std isn't in any
way optional, at least not as far as C++ is concerned. If you are using a
subset and modifying other things to suit your needs you are not
programming in C++ anymore. This might not matter to you, but a library
that relies on C++ features could break when used in your environment.

In any case, linking with a certain library should not change the behaviour
of existing code.

Luckily, that's only the default implementation of new, and
std::bad_alloc doesn't actually have a privileged place -- you can easily
redefine new to use your own exception type, or none at all -- and this is
important -- using the same mechanism by which the default new is

Why not simply use the existing 'new (nothrow)'? It exists and works, your
code remains standard C++ and it doesn't break other code! I'm sorry for
you if you lived under the assumption that new returned zero in case of
failure and have to change lots of code now, but this is not the fault of
the language or its implementation.


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