Re: C++ jobs down another 40%
In article <>, James Kanze <> wrote:
On Dec 23, 11:02 pm, red floyd <> wrote:
On Dec 23, 12:50 pm, Jon Harrop <> wrote:
The number of job adverts in the UK citing C++ has fallen
40% for the second year in a row:
Hey, Jon! Wha'ts the market for F# jobs like?
There is one, albeit not as big as that for C++.
In practice, if you look at long term trends (and not short
swings), C++ is pretty safe for the future. With regards to F#,
it's too early to tell---the language hasn't been around long
enough to establish any long term trends,
Well, I just looked at it on Wikipedia:
Looks like another bluff to me. All sorts of bells and whistles.
For me, personally, it is a no go, and primarlily because it is
based on .net framework. Meaning, it will be totally controlled
and dominated by Microsoft with all associated consequences,
such as everything under the Sun will be patented and copirighted.
It is going to cost you an arm and a leg if you ever touch anything
related to it.
It will NEVER be accepted by the world at large because of those
very arm twisting patents and heavy duty blood flows into the
black hole of "the head", if any of you know what it means.
Unless some new language is accepted by everybody and it is
portable and does not tie in to some mega-sucking corporation,
it is a no go for me no matter how you cut it.
Microsoft simply killed Sun when those guys sued them.
Then, being the rotten thieves they are, ms took the central
ideas of Java and all the associated development work, then
repackaged it and placed a sticker "Microsoft copyrighted
and patented" on it.
They were thiefs from the day one, raping and pillaging,
and they remain theiefs to this day and for any forceable future.
They were born on intellectual theft by taking the work of
Gary Kildall, the author of CP/M, buy purchasing some rip off artists,
who reverse egineered the CP/M operating system, and that was their
first contract with IBM, as a result of which these "lewser" fools,
who could only create a sickness called M-Basic and nothing more
than that, became what they are today.
This monster was born on Gary's blood.
I bet they did not even say thank you to him and he did not get
a penny in return, even though he, single handedly, was the
creator of the destop computer as far as its very heart, an O/S
To this day, everybody is using BIOS, which was Garys brilliant
The demise of Java is probably the biggest tragedy in the sw world.
By FAR, thanks to these servants of evil.
As soon as I see Microsoft lable on anything, it means death to me.
Microsoft is the very symbol of death and destrution,
and that "the head" thing is what its real meaning,
and that is evil raging as hell. Utterly unhumane. Utterly destructive.
Utterly dishonest and totally parasitic to the very body of mankind
as such.
In my opinion, unless there is a language that is accepted outside
of this blood thirsty "business" super-sucking model, there is no
hope for any genuine progress.
Simple as that.
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