Re: C++ jobs down another 40%

From: (tanix)
Fri, 25 Dec 2009 19:15:44 GMT
In article <>, Jon Harrop <> wrote:

James Kanze wrote:

On Dec 23, 11:02 pm, red floyd <> wrote:

On Dec 23, 12:50 pm, Jon Harrop <> wrote:

The number of job adverts in the UK citing C++ has fallen
40% for the second year in a row:

Hey, Jon! Wha'ts the market for F# jobs like?

There is one, albeit not as big as that for C++.

In practice, if you look at long term trends (and not short
swings), C++ is pretty safe for the future.

Are you saying that four years of rapid decline is a "short term swing" and
not a "long term trend"?

Well, you have to put things in perspective.
Just taking C++ as some isolated case is not correct.
The same thing is happening to Java, at least from the traffic
I am seeing and that traffic is generated by mostly professional
programmers from every single leading sw house or every single
biggest and baddest enterprise for that matter.

From what I see, the decay in non dynamically scoped languages
largely comes from the fact that other languages can fulfill
the requirements in more and more situations.

More and more of sw engineering is web related nowadays,
or information related. Just the fact that Google got so arrogant
as to challenge the Microsoft in their stronghold, the O/S
business by trying to obliterate the very concept of O/S as
something being inherently necessary in your box, says more
about it than anything else.

To challange WHO? Nothing less than Microsoft?
And in their MAIN game? What does it tell you?

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