Re: Does VC++ 6.0 support templates well?

"Harvey" <>
26 Feb 2007 03:05:23 -0800
On Feb 26, 3:01 am, "Harvey" <> wrote:

On Feb 26, 2:42 am, "Harvey" <> wrote:

On Feb 26, 12:54 am, "xrxst32" <> wrote:

On Feb 25, 4:56 pm, "Harvey" <> wrote:

I am trying to get started on C++ templates.

I know I am behind the times, but I am trying to compile "Budget6"
from the book (and disk) "C++ for Dummies".

The compiler (VC++ 6.0 on Win98) gives me 102 errors.
First error:
c:\_\chap26\sll.h(12) : error C2059: syntax error : '<'
is on line indicated:
// (comment lines snipped)
template <class T> // Note 2
class SLLNode
         friend class SLL<T>; //<------------------ error
         SLLNode<T>(T* pD)
                  pNext = 0;
                  pData = pD;

         SLLNode<T>* pNext; // pointer to next node // Note 3
         T* pData; // pointer to data


// SLL - this class represents a single list class. // Note 2
// A singly linked list consists of a list of nodes
// each of which points to the data.
template <class T>
class SLL
    SLLNode<T>* pFirst; // pointer to first node // Note 4
    SLLNode<T>* pLast; // pointer to last node
    SLLNode<T>* pCurrent; // pointer to "current" node
    int nMembers; // number of members in list


    // add - add member to end of list
    void add(T* pData)
        // create a node which points to our data
        SLLNode<T>* pNode = new SLLNode<T>(pData); // Note 5

        // add it to the end of the list
        if (pLast)
            pLast->pNext = pNode;
        pLast = pNode;

        // if this is the only member in the list...
        if (pFirst == 0)
            // ...make it first member also
            pFirst = pNode;

        // now count it

    // count - return the number of accounts
    int count()
        return nMembers;

    // provide navigation functions
    // current - return the data pointer of current node
    T* current();
    // over - move over to the next node
    void over()
        pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
    // reset - reset to beginning of list
    void reset()
        pCurrent = pFirst;


// constructor - build an empty list
template <class T>
    pFirst = pLast = (SLLNode<T>*)0;
    pCurrent = (SLLNode<T>*)0;
    nMembers = 0;


// current - return the data pointer of current node
template <class T>
T* SLL<T>::current()
    // assume data pointer is zero...
    T* pData = (T*)0;

    // if we aren't off the end of list...
    if (pCurrent)
        // ...then replace with actual data ptr
        pData = pCurrent->pData;
    return pData;

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Your code should look something like this then it will compile just

// forward declaration of template class SSL
template <class T> SSL;

template <class T>
class SSLNode
        friend class SSL<T>;


template <class T>
class SSL


Well, the very first line now gives:
c:\_\lcw16.9\sll.h(10) : error C2501: 'SLL' : missing storage-class or
type specifiers
followed by 920 more errors.

I did get a much simpler template to work though, so I guess there is
Thanks MrAsm,

Ok, got it to work with one more change. First line chaged from:
template <class T> SSL;
template <class T> class SSL;

No errors now :)

Now to start using it... and modifying it...

Thank you much MrAsm.

Oh, sorry ... Thanks goes to xrxst32.
Got my threads mixed up.

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