Re: VC++ 6.0 workaround for partial specialization

"Alexander Nickolov" <>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 09:02:49 -0700
The other advice still stands - get a modern C++ compiler.
VC 7.1 (part of VS 2003) is the earliest VC compiler that
supports partial template specialization. Current version is
VC 8.0 (VS 2005), and VC 9.0 (VS 2008) is right around
the corner. If you weren't in a hurry I'd have advised waiting
for VC 9.0 since it's supposed to reinvigirate C++ coding
with much improved MFC support. Not an option for you
I suppose...

Alexander Nickolov
Microsoft MVP [VC], MCSD

"Matthias Hofmann" <> wrote in message

Thanks for the quick replay! The problem concerns the partial
specializations in my code, here it is again with error descriptions at
the corresponding lines:

#include <cstddef>
#include <iostream>

template <class T>
struct extract { typedef T type; };

// error C2989: 'A<T,2>' : template class has already been
// defined as a non-template class
// error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition
template <class T, size_t N>
struct extract<T[N]> { typedef T type; };

template <class T> struct TrackNewHelper
   static T* TrackNew( T* ptr, const char* file, int line)
       std::cout << "Tracking object allocation" << std::endl;
       return ptr;

// error C2989: 'A<T,2>' : template class has already been
// defined as a non-template class
// error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition
template <class T, size_t N> struct TrackNewHelper<T[N]>
   static T* TrackNew( T* ptr, const char* file, int line)
       std::cout << "Tracking array allocation " << std::endl;
       return ptr;

template <class T> typename extract<T>::type* TrackNew(
   typename extract<T>::type* ptr, const char* file, int line )
   return TrackNewHelper<T>::TrackNew( ptr, file, line );

#define NEW( T ) TrackNew<T>( new T, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

int main()
  int * p = NEW( int );
  delete p;

  p = NEW( int[64] );
  delete [] p;

  return 0;

The problem is also described here:

Matthias Hofmann
Anvil-Soft, CEO - The Creators of Toilet Tycoon - Die Macher des Klomanagers

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