Re: OT: Easier way to read htp://

David Wilkinson <>
Tue, 05 Feb 2008 07:16:20 -0500
David Ching wrote:

Many of us here have resisted spending much time in web-based, prefering the simple elegance of NNTP-based
newsreaders providing threaded post support. This is too bad, because the
other forums have some pretty famous people hanging out there, and staying
tuned to what they are saying is valuable.

So I was very happy to have started RSS Bandit and SharpReader, two RSS feed
readers, instead of a browser to read these forums. They provide a UI
similar to Outlook Express and other NNTP newsreaders and are two of the few
RSS feed readers that support "threaded comments" so each reply appears as a
separate message. It's still not as convenient as Outlook Express, but it's
much more convenient than using a web browser. Check them out!


I haven't really gotten into RSS. Could you explain a bit more how these RSS
readers deal with "ordinary" web pages (.htm, .php, .aspx or whatever). I
thought RSS had to do with .xml pages.

Or are the forum pages not ordinary pages?

[I know the web interface to the NNTP newsgroups contains an Active-X control
that allows a threaded view (if you use IE, which I don't). But AFAIK the MSDN
forums do not have this.]

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

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