Re: Saturating message queue?

"David Ching" <>
Fri, 4 Jan 2008 07:17:25 -0800
"L.Allan" <> wrote in message

I was interested in timing how long it took for a parent and child thread
to exchange a series of window messages. I thought I would start with the
Frame and View in the main thread of a doc/view sdi app for simplicity.

I set up a menu item to initiate a loop. Then the Frame and View exchange
a token until the token is incremented to a certain value. However, it
hangs if I use a token value of more than 20. Am I doing something wrong?
Is "SendMessageToDescendants" an inappropriate choice? Is the message
queue "saturating"? ... which would seem odd since the app is using
"SendMessage" rather than "PostMessage"?

// MainFrame handles menu command to initiate
void CBbMainFrame::OnTimeMessaging()
 SendMessageToDescendants(UWM_BB_FRAME_TO_VIEW, 1, 0);

// View handles message and checks token value
// 20 or less is ok, hangs with 21
LRESULT CBbView::OnBbFrameToView(WPARAM token, LPARAM)
 TRACE1("View:FrameToView %d\n", token);
 if (token == 1) {
   HiResTimerStart(); // Uses QueryPerformanceCounter
 if (token < 20) {
   m_pFrame->SendMessage(UWM_BB_VIEW_TO_FRAME, token, 0);
 else {
   double elapsed = HiResTimerElapsedMillis();
   CString csMsg;
   csMsg.Format("20 loops Token: %d elapsed: %.3f\n", token, elapsed);
 return 0;

// Frame handles message, increments token, and sends another message
LRESULT CBbMainFrame::OnBbViewToFrame(WPARAM token, LPARAM)
 TRACE1("Frame:ViewToFrame Token: %d\n", token);
 SendMessageToDescendants(UWM_BB_FRAME_TO_VIEW, (token+1), 0);
 return 0;

Try removing all IO like TRACE, that is probably what is taking up all the

-- David

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