MFC VC Time Code
Articles: 368 Generated on: Sat, 18 Apr 2015
Subject From
A problem about CHtmlView::Navigate2
Application crashes when closed
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Button use in VC6
Re: COleDateTime ???
RE: CRepeatButton
Re: deriving helper class from CWnd
Excessive Delays in CAsyncSocket::Send()?
Jim Johnson
import library
Karsten Schulz
Re: jpeg2000 thumbnail
Re: MFC Error Sound on Exit
MFC Flicker and the Application Framework
Re: MFC GoTo Bookmark Error
Doug Harrison [MVP]
Re: return value
SendMessageToDescendents problem
Re: Serial Communication in Visual C++
Jeova Almeida
SetTimer not working
Re: SetWindowPos causing crash
Simple question!
Hector Santos
Re: Stay resident dll
Alex Blekhman
Re: Threads
Doug Harrison [MVP]
Re: time_t problem
Alexander Nickolov
Re: Timer Priority
AliR \(VC++ MVP\)
Re: Timers
Tom Serface
Re: unicode apps?
RE: Using GetProcessTimes
Re: Variable of Timer ?
Re: VC++
why GetFieldValue() is so slow
Windows NT service
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