Re: for_each() and two-dimensional array

John Harrison <>
Sat, 26 May 2007 05:54:56 GMT
Comments below, but basically looks fine to me.

Eric Lilja wrote:

On 23 Maj, 22:18, John Harrison <> wrote:

TileArray_2D foo(rows, cols);
for_each(foo.begin_1d(), foo.end_1d(), foobar());

I think I will do this, but what should my end() return?

Doesn't really matter, all that matters is that if you have an iterator
that references the last element of the array, and then you increment
that iterator, it will then be equal to the iterator that end() returns.


Ok, here's my result. I tried to make my extremely simple matrix class
with a nested iterator class reusable, so I wrote a templated base
class (abstract) that handles everything except the allocating of the
elements in the matrix.

I don't understand this reasoning. Why can't the memory allocation go in
the same class as everything else?

Here's the resulting code:


template<typename T>
class MatrixBase
   MatrixBase(int num_rows, int num_columns)
      : num_rows_(num_rows), num_columns_(num_columns) {}

   virtual ~MatrixBase() { /* TODO: Deallocate memory. */ }

   virtual void allocate() = 0;

   class MatrixIterator
         : matrix_(0), row_(-1), column_(-1), num_rows_(-1),
num_columns_(-1) {}

      friend class MatrixBase;

      T * operator*()

You could drop the assumption that says you Matrix must be a matrix of
pointers. You get a bit more flexibilty that way. And I don't see
anything else that would prevent this.

You also need two versions of operator*, one const and one non-const.
Assuming you stay with pointers they would look like this

        T*& operator*()
        T* operator*() const

or if you switched to let your vector hold anything like this

        T& operator*()
        const T& operator*() const

The non-const version allows you to change elements of the vector using
the iterator.

         if (row_ < 0 || row_ >= num_rows_ ||
             column_ < 0 || column_ > num_columns_)
            throw; // FIXME

         return matrix_->tiles_[column_][row_];

      MatrixIterator& operator++()
         if (row_ == num_rows_ - 1 && column_ == num_columns_ - 1)
            row_ = -4711; /* -4711 is a special value that denotes
end. */
            column_ = -4711;

Wouldn't row_ == num_rows_ be a more natural way of saying you are at
the end?

         else if (column_ == num_columns_ - 1)
            column_ = 0;

         return *this;

      bool operator!=(const MatrixBase::MatrixIterator& rhs)

Show be

        bool operator!=(const MatrixBase::MatrixIterator& rhs) const

            matrix_ != rhs.matrix_ || row_ != rhs.row_ ||
            column_ != rhs.column_;

You also need

        bool operator==(const MatrixBase::MatrixIterator& rhs) const

plus various other things.

Look up iterator_traits in Josuttis, you iterator isn't a fully fledged
iterator until you've fulfilled all the iterator requirements.

      MatrixIterator(MatrixBase *matrix, int num_rows,
                     int num_columns, int row = 0, int column = 0)
         : matrix_(matrix), num_rows_(num_rows),
           num_columns_(num_columns), row_(row), column_(column) {}

      MatrixBase *matrix_;

      int num_rows_;
      int num_columns_;

The itrator class has a pointer to the matrix class, so it could get
these values from the matrix class. It's definitely good to make
iterators as small as possible since they get copied frequently.

      int row_;
      int column_;

   MatrixIterator begin()
      return MatrixIterator(this, num_rows_, num_columns_);

   MatrixIterator end()
      return MatrixIterator(this, num_rows_, num_columns_, -4711,

   T ***tiles_;

   int num_rows_;
   int num_columns_;



#include "MatrixBase.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

class Tile
   Tile(int x, int y) : x_(x), y_(y) {}

   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Tile& rhs)
      os << "(x, y) = (" << rhs.x_ << ", " << rhs.y_ << ")";

      return os;

   int x_, y_;

class TileMatrix : public MatrixBase<Tile>
   TileMatrix(int rows, int columns) : MatrixBase<Tile>(rows, columns)
{ allocate(); }

   virtual ~TileMatrix() {}

   virtual void allocate()
      assert(num_rows_ > 0 && num_columns_ > 0);

      tiles_ = new Tile**[num_rows_];

This allocation

      for (int y = 0; y < num_rows_; ++y)
         tiles_[y] = new Tile*[num_columns_];

and this allocation, could go in the base class, I think.

         for (int x = 0; x < num_columns_; ++x)
            tiles_[y][x] = new Tile(x, y);


Good job.


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