Re: Mimicking Javas static class initializer in C++

Richard Herring <junk@[]>
Wed, 29 Oct 2008 17:41:20 +0000
In message <blargg.h4g-2910080412160001@>, blargg
<> writes

In article <49062fa0$0$32668$>,
Andreas Wollschlaeger <> wrote:

Hi folks,

as the subject says, i'm a poor Java programmer trying to transfer some
of his wisdom into C++ world... here is what im trying to do this evening:

Java has a nifty feature called a static class initializer - something
like this:

public class Foo
   private static Vector<Thing> xx;
     xx = new Vector<Thing>(42);
     for (int i=0; i < xx.size(); ++i)
     xx.set(i, new Thing());

where the static{} block is called once (when the class is first used),
thus suitable for complex initializations of static members.

Now i would like to have this in C++, can this be done?

Trying to make as literal a translation here. This will initialize things
the first time a Foo object is created; if no Foo is ever created, this
initialization will never run.

   // Foo.hpp
   class Foo {

       static vector<Thing> xx;

   // Foo.cpp
   vector<Thing> Foo::xx;

       if ( xx.empty() )
           xx = new Vector<Thing>(42);

xx is a vector, not a pointer.

           for (int i=0; i < xx.size(); ++i)
               xx [o] = new Thing();

.... and it contains Things, not pointers. You appear to be writing Java


Here is a more general approach that separates the init code into its own

   // Foo.hpp
   class Foo {

       static void first_use();

   // Foo.cpp
   void Foo::first_use()
       // initialize statics

       static int call_once = (first_use(),0);

You could use a less-hacky approach to having first_use() called only
once, like a helper class, but this is a more concise approach.

Richard Herring

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