Re: Trick for many identical arguments
Am 02.03.2012 21:59, schrieb Thomas Richter:
Dear experts,
is there a nice (template ?) trick to generate functions with variable
number of arguments without using varargs (and hence, no type-checks)?
The use case would be to generate functions for
class Argument;
class Caller {
void Launch(Argument arg1);
void Launch(Argument arg1,Argument arg2);
void Launch(Argument arg1,Argument arg2,Argument arg3);
// and so on
without the code repetition as in the above case. Arguments are all
identical in type, but their number may grow very large and I don't want
to repeat the same type of code all over again.
For a C++11 compiler variadic templates seem to be a natural solution:
class Argument;
class Caller {
template<class... Arg>
void Launch(Arg... arg);
It is possible to realize that only particular types are valid arguments
for such function template or a maximum/minimum number of arguments.
#include <type_traits>
struct and_;
struct and_<> : std::true_type
template<class P>
struct and_<P> : P
template<class P1, class P2>
struct and_<P1, P2> : std::conditional<P1::value, P2, P1>::type
template<class P1, class P2, class P3, class... Pn>
struct and_<P1, P2, P3, Pn...> : std::conditional<P1::value, and_<P2,
P3, Pn...>, P1>::type
class Argument{};
struct Caller {
template<class... Arg, class =
typename std::enable_if<
and_<std::is_convertible<Arg, Argument>...,
std::integral_constant<bool, (sizeof...(Arg) > 0)>>::value
void Launch(Arg... arg){}
int main() {
Argument arg1, arg2;
Caller c;
c.Launch(arg1); // OK
c.Launch(arg1, arg2); // OK
c.Launch(); // Error
An alternative approach but also requiring a C++11 compiler would be to
use a single function taking an initializer_list:
#include <initializer_list>
class Argument{};
struct Caller {
void Launch(std::initializer_list<Argument> arg){}
int main() {
Argument arg1, arg2;
Caller c;
c.Launch({arg1}); // OK
c.Launch({arg1, arg2}); // OK
The disadvantage of this approach is, that you are *required* to provide
the argument list in braces.
HTH & Greetings from Bremen,
Daniel Kr?gler
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