Re: set classpath correctly

"Andrew Thompson" <u32984@uwe>
Thu, 20 Dec 2007 00:52:53 GMT
Mitchell_Collen wrote:

Yes but isn't that only if I use an IDE. I don't have an IDE.

I see the technical matter is sorted, but just wanted to add
a few quick points.
1) Eclipse and NetBeans (the two most often used/recommended
IDEs) are free.
2) Ant can be run from the command line. The advantage of
having an Ant build script is that it can later be imported into
the IDEs - they will understand it, and have Ant built-in.
3) I encourage you to *not* leap into using an IDE at this
stage. I think it is better to
  a) understand how these things work from the command line,
      so that when it comes time to..
  b) start using Ant for builds, configuring the options of the Ant tasks
      should be relatively easy (Ant tasks and their attributes are usually
      easy to 'map' to the SDK commands, and their arguments).
  c) start using IDEs when you are comfortable with both the command
      line options, and Ant. Then use (portable) Ant scripts for building
      and deploying apps. - avoiding the IDEs own (often quite arcane -
      and usually very IDE specific) way of doing things.

Andrew Thompson

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