Re: Q: Free compiler for 64 bit Windows 7?

From: (tanix)
Tue, 22 Dec 2009 22:16:10 GMT
In article <>, Pete Becker <> wrote:

tanix wrote:

In article <>, Pete Becker

<> wrote:

arunix wrote:

What about asking in a Windoze newsgroup?

Because its gcc based compiler.

Oh, of course: a gcc based compiler for Windows isn't a Windows compiler.

Sigh. gcc is just as off-topic as Windows.

What is this "off-topic" bullshit?

Have you heard of cygwin?

Yes, I'm familiar with cygwin. It's just as off-topic in this newsgroup
as "gcc" and "Windows compilers".

Who ARE you to dictate things like these to some of the most intelligent
people one can find and whose brains function well above average?

If you think it is "off-topic", here is the best advice I know of
about things like this, directly from the horses mouth,
Russ Allbery. Do you know who he is?

"If you don't like something, do not read it.
Do not follow up on it.
Just forget about it".

Simple, isn't it?

Or you think you are some kind of traffic light here,
and what YOU think or perceive is some kind of standards
all others are to be measured agains?

Do you know what this trip is called?
Well, fascism and totalitarian dictate.

Just enjoy things if you find it interesting here.
If you don't, nobody holds you by your hand and FORCES you
to read anything. It is YOUR choice.

Just go find a "better" or "cleaner" place,
such as those dictatorship outlets, called the "moderated" groups.

That is MUCh healthier for individuals of your kind,
the "blue blooded" "elite".

There is a group, called c.l.c++.m.
Do I have to tell you THESE kinds of things?

In other words, do not insult the intelligence of highly intelligent
people. Very few of them will appreciate this, especially considering
the fact I do not know even who you are and what is YOUR word worth.
Not that I reviewed enough of material on these groups to even
notice you in the scheme of things.

Just a sec. Lemme make sure you get the same treatment.
I put people like you on some lists to make sure you just dissapear
from pg collections so there is not a trace of you left.

Oh, I see, you were on the expert list. Not any longer.

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