C++ VC ATL STL Reference CodeA
Articles: 1031 Generated on: Sun, 19 Apr 2015
Subject From
Re: , definition of "used" for templates
Niels Dekker - no reply address
Re: [C++0x] l-values and r-values
A better technique than initializer_list. Worth a defect report?
A constrained singleton sanity check
Mathias Gaunard
About cloning
Francesco S. Carta
Re: about new and delete
Victor Bazarov
Re: an "optional const"
James Kanze
Re: Array Size
Re: assignment operator
auto_ptr conversion derived to base
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: automatic conversion
C# Properties, inner classes and CRTP
C++ classes
Keith H Duggar
Re: C++ FAQ
Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
Re: c++ faq 16.22 reference counting
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: C++ FAQ Lite 12.3
Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
Re: Calling const-members
Re: Can lambda expressions have const-qualifiers?
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Casting from void*
Re: Casting references through unions.
Larry I Smith
Re: class matrix
class system setup
Re: classes and const reference
Re: Concepts and conversions
Re: copy constructor for class with member pointer
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Copy ctor and pass-by-value
subramanian100in@yahoo.com, India
copy ctor being private and compilation error
Manfred von Willich
Re: Correct constness
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: Covaraint Parameters
Le Chaud Lapin
Re: Declarators
Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet
Re: Default param, is this legal
peter koch larsen
Re: Defeating (N)RVO
Ruben Safir
Re: Determining whether type is assignable
Andrey Tarasevich
Re: Does not compile
Daphne Pfister
Re: emplace() overloads
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Exception base class
Re: exception behaviour in containers
Thomas J. Gritzan
Re: Filestream problems
James Kanze
Re: function calls
Andrey Tarasevich
Re: Function overloading
Andrea Crotti
Re: Globals
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Re: Hiding a reference to temporary
Re: how to iterate a vector?
Re: how to reuse a copy constructor in an operator = function
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: how to use graphics???
Re: i need help:""<
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)
Re: Ideal min/max
Re: Implementation of shared_ptr
Victor Bazarov
Re: int (*&)()
Gary Wessle
Re: int to size_t
Nicola Musatti
Re: Is this valid code?
Philipp Kraus
Re: istream buffering
Re: Iterators in Java and C++
Andrea Crotti
Ulrich Eckhardt
Re: Logical constness
Re: Looking for a simple design
Jerry Adair
Mem pool question
Re: member function as predicate
Frederick Gotham
More of a raw kind of cast
Chris M. Thomasson
Re: MT Design Question
Bart van Ingen Schenau
Re: Multiple client problem in C++
Federico Zenith
Re: Multiple index maps
Bart van Ingen Schenau
Re: Nested class access with ->
Jim Langston
Ian Collins
Re: Oozing poison
Rene Ivon Shamberger
operator<< and namespace??
Andrea Crotti
Re: operator==
Re: optimize const T& parameter to T
Re: Overloaded function lookup with const/volatile
Re: Overloading reference operator
Re: overloading vs. default argument question
overriding operator== error
Re: pass-by-reference for template?
Re: Passing "empty" types as parameters
Igor Tandetnik
Re: Passing structs....
Mathias Gaunard
Re: passing this object
pre return optimization
Re: private data access in constructors
Problem with Boost iterators
Crosbie Fitch
Properties revisited
Questing regarding returning of new objects
Re: Range-based for loops and existing variables
Re: Real overload or not ?
Re: Redirecting I/O
Bo Persson
Re: reference
Michael Aaron Safyan
Re: Reference Member variables
Bart van Ingen Schenau
Re: reference to pointer
Lucian Radu Teodorescu
Re: Reference to void
reference vs. int arg confusion
Robert Bauck Hamar
Re: reference...
Andrea Crotti
Re: References
References to temporaries and function-calls
Repository of all objects of a certain type
Re: returning references
Re: rvalue reference factory?
Re: rvalues and lvalues
Re: Simple List Access by Index
Re: Singleton class fails on reboot
Singleton overview
static const integral members
Re: static constexpr
Alf P. Steinbach
Re: static or not?
James Kanze
Re: std::atexit
Re: STL Slow - VS2005
Chris M. Thomasson
Re: structures align
Robert Bauck Hamar
Re: template
Rene Ivon Shamberger
Template Class
Re: Template notation
Re: Temporary objects, l-values.
Re: Type conversion function for user type again.
Re: Type traits and accessibility
Alberto Ganesh Barbati
Typos in [atomics]?
Re: unique_ptr and rvalue question
Larry Brunelle
Vectors of references
Leigh Johnston
Re: Warning
Re: What am I doing wrong ?
Re: What is the correct template type?
Thomas J. Gritzan
Re: what's the difference?
Travis Parks
Re: Why const int& ?
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